The art and science behind developer experience with Anna Borbotko

Let's celebrate great customer experience together (again)! We're back and we're introducing a series of new and inspiring speakers that share and reflect on their awesome CX contributions and projects.

The art and science behind developer experience with Anna Borbotko

In an 30-minute Lunch Talk, Anna Borbotko from TomTom, will take you through the collaboration journey between product marketeers and developers. Optimizing your product strategy cannot be done without gaining that valuable input from your customers. What works in B2B & B2C environment, doesn’t necessarily works for developers. Product marketers need to take a less conventional approach to ensure the insights they gather and implement are as effective as possible.

In this CX Celebration session Anna's going to answer the following questions:

- How to understand your developers and establish a continuous dialogue?

- Which channels can be optimised to gather feedback in an effortless way?

Ready to get inspired and learn more about collaboration within the product team? Join!

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