Future-proofing your design skills - how to prepare for a changing world

In her MadeFor. Talk, “Future proofing your design skills - how to prepare for a changing world”, Lilli discussed the skills that service designers need to exist and thrive within a changing world.

Future-proofing your design skills - how to prepare for a changing world

Lilli Graf has been working in the innovation space for twelve years, currently working as a freelance service designer and founder of IMMA - a collective of impact makers and experts working in the field of climate adaptation. 

Having spent the last six years working for top-tier design agencies such as Livework or Idean (now frog),she developed skills in systems thinking, service design, behavioural science, and business design. She continues to hone these skills through her consultancy practice, as she works on complex and strategic problems for private and public organisations across Europe. 

Lilli investigates how possessing the right skills will make you feel more confident and make your work feel vital and impactful, particularly when faced with new challenges and circumstances.

The skills that Lilli will focused on were:

-      Envisioning possible futures and designing for emerging needs

-      Designing for unhappy paths  

-      Articulating the business value of our design work

-      Considering trauma in our practice

-      Learning how to foster our own resilience and optimism

This MadeFor. Talk is sure to be an exciting one, as Lilli will closely consider the nature of our constantly shifting world and offer bountiful knowledge on how to weather these changes asa designer.

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